International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Social Sciences
Abbreviation: IJIASOS | ISSN (Print): 2602-4802 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4500 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiasos

Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Social Sciences 2020, Vol. 4(3) 54-68

Effects of Coffee Shops' Food Quality, Service Quality and Ambience Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Batman, Turkey

Feridun Duman

pp. 54 - 68   |  DOI:

Publish Date: October 21, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 4.511/4.466   |   Single/Total Download: 7.487/7.651


Customer satisfaction covers both tangible and intangible elements of product offerings. In these product offerings, perceived service quality and value are found to be significant in customer satisfaction in service firms e.g. coffee shops, restaurants and hotels as being service providers. Therefore, the overall aim of this study was to specifically investigate the effects of food quality, service quality and ambience quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty in a chain coffee shop. With this main aim of the study, a questionnaire survey was used to collect data from the customers of a chain coffee shop in Batman, Turkey. The questionnaire consisted of two main parts. The first part required the demographic information about the coffee shop customers. The second part of the questionnaire had the questions about the qualities of food, service and ambience. A seven-point Likert scale with items comprising the survey questions was presented to the coffee shop customers, where 1 represented 'strongly disagree' and 7 represented 'strongly agree'. With this questionnaire, the study survey produced 404 questionnaires from the sample from March 15 2019 to May 15 2019. For the data analysis, the reliability of the study was first tested. Then, the exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis were applied to find out the effects of food quality, service quality and ambience quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The findings presented that food quality (p: ,000 and β: ,383), service quality (p: ,000 and β: ,240) and ambience quality (p: ,000 and β: ,215) had a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction of the coffee shop customers. However, customer satisfaction did not create any loyalty on the coffee shop customers.

Keywords: Food quality, service quality, ambience quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty, coffee shops, Batman, Turkey.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Duman, F. (2020). Effects of Coffee Shops' Food Quality, Service Quality and Ambience Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Batman, Turkey. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Social Sciences, 4(3), 54-68.

Duman, F. (2020). Effects of Coffee Shops' Food Quality, Service Quality and Ambience Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Batman, Turkey. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Social Sciences, 4(3), pp. 54-68.

Chicago 16th edition
Duman, Feridun (2020). "Effects of Coffee Shops' Food Quality, Service Quality and Ambience Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Batman, Turkey". International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Social Sciences 4 (3):54-68.

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